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The 4 Must-Have Logistics Technology Capabilities (5.6.24)

3 Minutes Read

A clear look at indispensable technology that will help your logistics department thrive

COVID-19 has exposed many weaknesses in the global supply chain, and any business looking to bounce back stronger than before will have to reassess its entire logistical model. The road to success here is laying a strong technological foundation. Having the right tech can greatly reduce back-office burdens and streamline every aspect of logistics.

In this blog, you will learn:

  • How digital improvements impact logistics in real terms

  • The 4 essential pillars of a successful logistics technology strategy

  • Where to get advice for building the ideal logistics tech stack for your business

How digital improvements impact logistics in real terms

The biggest gift of technology is its potential to level the logistics playing field. As the amount of technologies out there increases, these tools are becoming more available and affordable to businesses of all sizes. Smaller operations are now able to track goods on a global scale as only the biggest players once could. Of course, the drawback here is that more players are now able to enter the logistics game. This increases competition and means that whenever new technology is implemented, it must be fully integrated with the rest of your tools to retain an edge.

Technology can revitalize slow and costly processes by automating many tasks that your logistics teams may still be performing manually. While having the best platforms inhouse can empower your team, outsourcing time-consuming technological processes can make streamlining your logistics even easier.

The 4 essential pillars of a successful logistics technology strategy

1. Increased security technology

The pandemic has shifted a great deal of logistics operations onto at-home devices that are notoriously under-protected — a serious risk when logistics was already under cyber siege before COVID-19 hit.

Consider the 200% spike in cyberattacks on supply chains in 2017, 3 years before the pandemic made digital operations even more vulnerable. Tech criminals have not let up since. Cyberattacks are projected to cause $6 trillion worth of damage by 2021. Tighten up your logistics security as soon as possible by implementing best practices and finding out if your partners are doing the same.

2. Leveraging Big Data into measurable ROI

Partner with a tech provider who can provide top-to-bottom information on every one of your logistics processes through advanced analytics. Data gathering tech can reveal logistical blind spots, slowdowns and dead ends that can have huge negative impacts on productivity, performance and profits.

3. Maintaining constant focus on your accounts

This is achieved by integrating the right freight audit and payment tools/services. Cloud-based tools are superior because they allow for constant upgrades. This keeps account management flexible, more secure, and reduces both overall cost and operational risk.

Good auditing technology will handle the basics like payroll, invoices, insurance and so forth. Great ones will integrate with your business in a tailored manner and create an auditing framework that keeps everyone involved accountable for their performance. 

4. Adding a Transportation Management System (TMS)

A TMS takes the most valuable of all logistical gifts, visibility, and extends it across your entire supply chain at an international level. Our earlier blog on this crucial aspect revealed a statistic that illustrates just how much a TMS can put your logistics at the head of the pack: Only 6 % of firms say they have full visibility of their entire supply chain.

A TMS, therefore, puts your business ahead of 94% of the competition while also providing other benefits like automation of lower-level administrative tasks, reduction of manual data error and comparing a wealth of performance information on potential logistics partners. This makes matching carriers to freight (and managing their subsequent performance) far easier and more effective.

Lastly, a TMS makes answering customer queries quick and simple thanks to having easy access to all your logistics information.

Why RLG is the partner to choose

There is no doubt that implementing the right technology means a positive transformation in your business logistics. Resource Logistics Group can provide state-of-the-art solutions to simplify your day-to-day processes and elevate your shipping department to a level of global awareness.

Our TMS helps our customers manage goods around the clock, no matter where they are in the world. RLG can also capture data on your entire shipping and logistics framework, delivering this information in actionable monthly installments so you can assess every opportunity to turn that data into savings.

These advanced logistics and supply chain analytics spotlight how your operation can improve today while forecasting future conditions that could impact you. We can also provide cloud-based services to help you create a freight auditing framework you can count on.

Technology need not be an expensive tool only your competition can afford. Get in touch with RLG today to turn our tech solutions and years of logistics experience into your competitive advantage.

Resource Logistics Group provides transportation and logistics advice combined with professional services and state-of-the-art technology. From contract negotiations to easing back office burdens, we are your ally in excellence. Connect with us on our contact page for a free benchmarking analysis.

Steve Huntley
